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Dramatic and emotional reunion

I saw this video today, going with the description of the situation (which you can find below), and I found it very intense and emotional. Just imagining how they must have felt after all these years and meeting again, after such a long time, in that particular situation and as they did... It makes me think about love, friendship, being connected to a person (even after long years of not seeing each other), respect and admiration.
During the 70s and 80s performance artist Marina Abramovic engaged in an intense artistic and romantic relationship with fellow performance artist Ulay. In 1988 they ended their relationship with a performance art piece in which they met in the middle of the Great Wall of China and said goodbye. They have rarely seen each other since.
In 2010 the MOMA in New York City held a retrospective of the Abramovic’s work. As part of the exhibition, Abramovic sat silently at a table and allowed members of the public to sit across from her. On the opening day of the exhibition, Ulay sat across from Abramovic, resulting in this dramatic and emotional reunion.

What defines you?

The other day I saw on the news that this 17-year old boy called Sam Berns died from the premature aging disorder Progeria. It's a very rare syndrome that, among other things, makes you look quite old whilst being young. I googled Sam and found out that he was quite an extraordinary little person. An article on the National Geographic said that diying at the age of 17 he had an unusually long life, considering that most progeria patients die at an average age of 13. Before he died, he built entire Lego towns, earned middle-school awards, played in his high-school marching band, went to the prom, and dreamed of going to MIT in hopes of becoming an inventor, according to the HBO documentary Life According to Sam. He also became the face of a disease that virtually no one understood when he was diagnosed. Today people all over the world can recognize the classic look of a child with progeria: narrow, wrinkled face; baldness, including lack of eyebrows and eyelashes; short stature; small jaw.
Short after I stumbled upon this video of Lizzie Velasquez, an extraordinary woman diagnosed with this same syndrom, talking about her story and how it was to grow up feeling completely normal but looking different because of this premature aging disorder called Progeria. I absolutely need to share this video on here, as I think that we can only learn from her and her attitude towards life. Here I'm quoting only few things she says during this motivational speaking and that I think we should all apply to our lifes:
"What defines you? Even though things are hard and even tough I have this syndrome, I can't let that define me! - You are the one sitting in the front seat of your car. You are the one who decides weather your car goes down a bad path or a good path. You are the one who decides what defines you. - I started realising that my life is in my hands, so I can either choose to make this really good or I can choose to make this really bad. I can be grateful and open my eyes and realise the thing that I do have and make those the things that define me. I can't see out of one eye, but I can see out of the other. I can choose to be happy or I can choose to be upset. I'm gonna let my goals and my success and my acomplishements be the things that define me. - know what, tell me those negative things! I'm gonna turn them around and I'm gonna use them as a ladder to climb up to my goals! - I worked my butt off. I used the people who were telling me "you can't do this" to motivate me. I used their negativity to light my fire, to keep going. Use that!! Use the negativity that you have in your life to make yourself better, because I can guarantee you; YOU WILL WIN!"
With this words, have a look at the video and let Lizzie Velasquez inspire you to be better and do the best out of what you got!

Differences enrich us

 Le differenze ci arricchiscono e ci permettono di vedere le cose da una prospettiva che magari pensavamo neanche esistesse. Eccone una semplice prova con una piccola serie di foto dove l’immagine offerta rende lo spettatore curioso di scoprire come ci si possa essere diversi e uguali allo stesso tempo. 
Non รจ incredibile?! 


Differences enrich us and allow us to see things from a perspective we may have thought didn't existed. Here's a simple prove. In this series of photos the viewer becomes curious about how different and equal we can be at the same time just  by looking at the given image.
Is it not amazing?!

Images are not by me, but taken off the internet and may be subject to copyright

Mel xx
Date: 14.10.2013

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